#FollowFriday: Large Families, Lots of Love!

These ample families aren’t only doing everything in multiples, they are doing it with style, fun, centeredness, and good-old joie de vivre. A lot of parents say “one and done” – and we totally get that… but there is something so gratifying about watching brothers and sisters growing up together. We found three moms (and one dad!) who have found a way to connect through Instagram that makes us feel like we are a part of their full and fulfilling lives. See how it’s done with Jodi, Courtney, Billy Jack, and Miko:


Jodi Mockabee: “To God be the glory! Northern CA livin’ family of seven.” 

What's the most impressive thing about Jodi Mockabee? Is it the fact that she makes having five (!) well-mannered (!!) homeschooled (!!!?@*&#) kids look like some sort of rural Vogue spread? Is it all the hiking/skiing/paddle boarding/lilac-picking they do as a family? Perhaps it's her homeschooling plan that includes lots of watercolor, poetry, field work, and a certain anatomy lesson at their butcher pal's farm... No – It's the fact that she does all of the above, PLUS manages to have immaculate white wooden floors. 


Courtney Adamo: “Mama of four + a babe on the way. ✨ On a journey with my family. Travel journal: somewhereslower.com. Co-founder of @babyccinokids”

Courtney and her kiddos look like they’re right out of a fashion magazine, playing the perfect family – but we assure you, they are totally real. The flock of six (soon to be seven!) is outdoorsy (we drooled over pics placing them everywhere from the beach to Sri Lanka) but they take the time to pause and reflect, and help out those who are less fortunate. Courtney and her husband Michael enjoy the ‘slow’ lifestyle; browsing her pics is sure to lower your blood pressure and warm your heart.


Billy Jack Brawner III: “we in the shit now, somebody gotta shovel it”

Billy Jack is an art director and photographer living in central Texas with his wife, their five kids (some adopted), and a bird-dog named Lloyd. He’s the kind of dad who cuddles his children, encourages their artistic abilities by framing and hanging their drawings, and takes the whole brood out for awesome adventures in the wilderness. As you delve into Billy’s feed, you’ll see that the family has endured the unthinkable tragedy of losing a child… but you’ll feel blessed that you’ve gotten to know them even if it’s just a glimpse through Instagram.


Miko Bowen: “a grateful wife + mother to 6, ages 21-6 • Utah”

Miko’s children range in age from six to 21 – but you sure wouldn’t know it to look at her. Miko is a lovely, youthful, and graceful mommy. We chalk it up to her amazing attitude and the sweetness with which she talks about her family. She’s a realtor (and wow, is her house ever a chic and cozy habitat) but she doesn’t go into that. Mostly, Miko shares stories about tea parties with her little girl, and how she sets aside date-nights with her husband. She’s a true inspiration.

Who are some of your favorite inspiring families on Instagram? Share them with us!

Cover image via jodimockabee.com

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